Rules and Regulations
Homeowners Rules & Regulations approved by the Board on October 17, 2023. Click to view and print

The "Homeowners Rules and Regulations" covers your rights, obligations and responsibilities under this form of home ownership. You should review these rules and regulations and the "Declarations" and "By Laws" of the Birnamwood Homes Association (BHA). This information applies to both homeowners and residents.
You should pay particular attention to the following items:
  • Monthly maintenance fees are DUE on the FIRST of each month. A late charge is assessed on ALL late payments received after the 15th of the month in which they are due.
  • ANY and ALL changes to the exterior of the townhouses must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and the Board of Directors.
  • Parking is restricted.
  • Pet control is required.
  • Privacy MUST be respected. Mutual courtesy extended.
You are encouraged to attend the monthly Board of Directors Meeting. Our monthly newsletter THE WINDS lists the time and place of Board Meetings, social events and other happenings taking place at Birnamwood.
We believe Birnamwood is the finest townhouse development in Minnesota. Your cooperation and assistance is requested to help maintain and improve your community.