Create an ACCOUNT on Website

The RESIDENT ONLY section of the website contains important and useful information for residents of Birnamwood Homes. (Please note this is different from the information on Cedar Management's website.)

A registration for an account is required. 

•  Do you need an acccount? Go to HOW TO REGISTER below.

•  Do you already have an account - but forgot the password (or just want to change it?) Please click the LOGIN link, enter your userID (email) used to initially register the account, then click FORGOT PASSWORD, and follow the instructions.

HOW TO REGISTER: Please click the REGISTER link in the Home Page of this website and use the guide below to fill the sections in the registration form - not all the fields are needed:

Section "DIRECTORY OPTIONS": Select NO for all the questions

Section "YOUR INFORMATION": Please provide:
  • Your first name,
  • Your last name,
  • Your email (becomes your username after registration),
  • Your unit number only (we know your street name!),
  • Your area code and home phone, (AREA CODE!)
  Your work number and cell number are optional but don't forget the area codes!

SKIP the rest in this section - the information is NOT NEEDED.

Section "SECOND RESIDENT'S INFORMATION": Enter here the info for another resident in your home, or the second resident register their OWN account!

Section "CHILDREN'S INFORMATION": Please SKIP this entire section! Do not give us this info, please.

Section "OTHER DETAILS": Type the fancy letters you see ("verification code") into the box

Click "Submit". The system will generate and send a password to the email you provided. Now you can LOGIN into the website to access the RESIDENTS ONLY information. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROCESS MAY TAKE 1-2 DAYS - PLEASE BE PATIENT!