Application Process / Forms
Contact Architectural Committee Liaison for more info.
Click here to view the Application Process document. Please email the completed ACC applications to Cedar Management at OR via paper at mailbox number #193 (the community mailbox).
Replace / Repair Application:
Used if the replacement or repair will follow and adhere to the existing ACC standards. It is called a “expedited application” because the application will simply be signed, dated, and returned to the homeowner (typically within 48 hours) for immediate work (replacement/repair work). Click here to view and print this form.
Enhancement Application:
Used if the replacement or repair that differs from, or is not covered by, the currently existing ACC standards. It is called a “full review procedure”. The application will need to be accompanied by specifications, drawings, and other artifacts that are needed in order for the ACC and Board to determine whether to approve the request. The ACC will make a recommendation to the Birnamwood Association (BHA) Board, and the Board will then take the ACC recommendation to account and making the final decision of the request. Click here to view and print this form.

Additional information can be found on the left sidebar if you click on the "ACC Information" or "Committees" tab.